Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art Philosophy Cricut Cartridge and Coordinating CTMH Stamp Guide

If you've seen a stamp set from the new Idea Book then you'll know that Close to my Heart has done a brilliant thing this year - they've added the page number of the AP or Artiste handbook where you can find the shape to go along with the size that they've always listed.  It is SO much easier to find the correct shape when you know to look on p.56 instead of having to flip through the whole book!

I recently saw some of my fellow consultants talking about a Cricut Art Philosophy cheat sheet that was created by a fellow consultant, Lucy Kelleher.  You can check out Lucy's blog - she's one of my fellow Heart2Heart Challenges Design Team Alumni!  Lucy created her document when Art Philosophy was first released so I went through my stash of stamps and added a whole bunch from the last Idea Book.

To use this information you can either print a copy of the "cheat sheet" and keep it by your machine or you can do what I've done and write directly on the paper that comes in each of your stamp sets.
I usually pull out my stamp sets at the beginning of my design so this should make things easy for me to find the Art Philosophy cuts!

Here is my updated version of  Lucy's original Google Doc:

When you are scrolling through you'll see I added a couple of older sets like "Buttoned Together" that I figured out the coordinating sizes for the shapes - sometimes you'll have to switch to 1/10 measurements to get a good fit for those.

I hope you all find this document helpful!  Thanks Lucy for creating the original!

Click HERE to see my October Birthday Cards and More kit!  Get 10 cards and one bonus Shopping Tote project all pre-cut, pre-stamped and shipped to your door!


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