Sunday, September 19, 2010

CTMH With Love Card

Isn't this card sweet?  I had several packages of Dazzling Diecuts - a CTMH special probably about a year ago - that I hadn't used yet.  I pulled out Petal, Smokey Plum, Sunkiss Yellow and Bubblegum packages and mixed it all on top of a Citrus Leaf piece of cardstock I ran through my Cuttlebug with the Swiss Dots folder.  I really loved how it all came together - especially the little ballet style lacing with ribbon on the side of the card!  There's a bit of our new Glitz glitter gel in the center of the flowers - can I just say how much I LOVE that stuff?!?  This card was a big hit at our Stamp Camp.

On a personal note, things have been SO busy since school started!  We've all been getting adjusted to the school and homework routine (so far it hasn't been too terrible).  I'm missing my kids while they are at school BUT I've been super busy so the time has been flying.  I joined Black Belt Club at our Martial Arts studio (its an extra level of training for people who are dedicated to persuing their black belts in Tae-Kwon-Do) and I've been upping my hours at the dojo.  Every two months they focus on a specific set of skills or weapon for everyone to learn.  Being the new kid on the block in these classes, I really pushed myself to learn the Bo Staff routine.  I love working with stick weapons like the Eskrima sticks so the Bo Staff was a really fun weapon for me to start to learn.  This past week we had belt testing (we do this every 2 months) and I had the honor of receiving a badge in recognition of my training with the Bo Staff - talk about exciting - it was a close call on keeping the tears in check!  This is my first EVER award for a physical accomplishment.  I was never a jock during school, far from it, so its been a wonderful journey over the last two years finding a sport that I truly love.  The best part is sharing this journey with my kids as we all take classes at the same studio - as I like to say - a family that kicks together, sticks together!

I'm off to finish prep work for our upcoming Stamp Camp on September 21.  Right now it looks like there will be about 16 projects total during camp - whew!  That's a LOT of cutting!  The kids are all downstairs playing with Devin's birthday presents.  We got him an IPod Nano for his b'day and Mark loaded it with all Devin's favorite music, some Annoying Orage clips (if you haven't checked these out on You Tube you really should) and a couple of movies.  He's been plugged in ever since....

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Thank you for visiting me here on my blog today! I hope you have been inspired by my postings to create something lovely for yourself! It does take me a whole lot of time to create the artwork, tutorials and posts for this blog so if you would like to borrow my wording or artwork then I respectfully ask that you e-mail me for permission, credit me and/or link back to my blog. Thanks for your understanding and respect!
