Thursday, April 16, 2015

What came in my $150 Grab Bag - Quick video!

I made a quick video showing my $150 Grab Bag divided up between retired and current product to give you an idea of the proportions of each in the big box.  I'm happy with what I received - lots of fun products and several current items that were on my list to buy!

If you are receiving this via e-mail you'll need to click out to my blog by hitting the highlighted blue title at the top in order to play the video.

Right after I made the $35 Grab Bag video I cleared out my craft room (that was a HUGE job) so I could build and install a new huge Ikea Kallax wall storage system.  I'm still in the process of rearranging everything and pulling it all back into my craft room from my daughter's room where I stashed it.  She is home for the summer from WSU in 21 days so I have my deadline to get everything put away!  I think I might need to purge a bit too - 7+ years as a consultant and I have an enormous stash!  Wish me luck in getting everything back in on time!

Stay crafty my friends!



Casandra Bennett said...

Here's something funny, Paige. We got mirror image boxes...with the exception of pml cards (I had one For Always and one Chantilly), and then you had 1 extra package of round durable studs. When doing the math, I came up with a total of $307 before tax and shipping. Great video. I tried to make one using my kindle, but I kept bouncing it about as I would say "Ooh!" LOL

Paige Dolecki said...

Cassandra - I realized after I did the video that I had two full packages of For Always PML - I was thinking initially that it was one set that came in two packages (I don't know why because I've purchased them before!). I wish I had a package of Chantilly in the box because I adore that set! I've been using my IPhone for videos but I need to figure out the uploading to the computer and then to YouTube. My videos keep coming to my computer upside down (I think its because I'm reversing the camera on my phone so I'll have to figure out that technical glitch!) Live and learn! Thanks for stopping by my friend!


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