Tuesday, July 7, 2009

CTMH Farm Masculine Birthday Card with CTMH My Farm CTMH Happy Birthday

When I saw this stamp in the retired sale several months ago I knew I had to get it to make a birthday card for my Dad. He grew up on a farm and I was raised on a 7 acre lot where he was a "gentleman farmer". He had a day job but we did a lot of gardening and even grew pumpkins for wholesale and retail sales in the fall. I learned a lot from my Dad about hard work, pushing through on a job until it was done no matter how exhausted you were and caring for something for the reward of watching it grow to maturity. The older I get the more I respect him for what he was and how much he taught us. He gave to me the strength of character to get through my toughest of days and the conviction that whatever tomorrow brings I had today and today was good. He has faced adversity time and again with integrity and true grit. Now in his retirement when he was looking forward to the rewards of a lifetime of hard work he is raising a grandchild and caring for my mother who has been stricken with early alzheimers in her early 60's. I know its not an easy road for him and I wish we didn't live on the complete opposite side of the country. I hope this card speaks to him of my love for him and my love for the earth I inherited from him. I think the quote inside from George Washington says it all "I'd rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world." I'm glad he's my Dad.

Materials Used:
Paper: Twighlight, Colonial White, Black
Stamps: My Farm (retired), Happy Birthday, World's Best Dad (for the word Dad - SOTM)
Ink: Barn Red, Desert Sand

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Oh, I hope your Dad checks out your blog. What a lovely tribute to him right here! The card is a real winner too!

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